Fiona’s quick tips – #1 Eat to a plan
Decide what you’ll eat before you shop.
Do a weekly menu and make a shopping list. Stick to the list! Shop once a week.
Fiona’s quick tips – #2 Drink up
Dehydration can lead to snacking. Drink plenty of fluids. Water is best.
Fiona’s quick tips – #3 Slow down
Take time to enjoy your food. People who eat slowly are more able to recognise when they have eaten enough.
Fiona’s quick tips – #4 Size matters
Imagine your plate divided into four equal parts (quarters) for serving.
1 part for protein – meat, fish, chicken
1 part for carbohydrates – potato, kumara, corn, rice, pasta, cous cous
2 parts (half the plate) for a variety of other vegetables
Fiona’s quick tips – #5 That’s handy
Knowing how much food to serve each person can be tricky. You can use the palm of the hand as a guide. One serving of meat, vegetables, fruit, or pasta should be about the amount the person you’re serving it to could comfortably hold in the palm of their hand.
Fiona’s quick tips – #6 Something’s fishy
Many of us don’t eat enough Omega 3 fatty acids, important for heart health. Oily fish, such as salmon or tuna are excellent sources of Omega 3. If you don’t like fish, walnuts are a good alternative.
Fiona’s quick tips – #7 Learn label lingo
Learn the language of food labels so you don’t get fooled. The words ‘a good source of energy’ does not mean you will feel revitalised and full of energy after eating the food – it usually means the food is energy-rich, or high in calories. The term ‘lite’ doesn’t necessarily mean the food has less fat or sugar – it may mean it’s lighter in colour or flavour.
Fiona’s quick tips – #8 The good oil
Even healthy oils are 100% fat and are therefore high in calories. Some fats are better for heart health – olive oil, avocado, canola, rice bran oil – but if you want to lose weight, try to reduce your intake of all fats.
Fiona’s quick tips – #19 Small changes count
Small changes in food choices add up over time if you are trying to lose weight. Replacing a daily soft drink with water will leave you about 6kg lighter over a year.
Fiona’s quick tips – #10 Treat yourself
If you’re eating a treat food, enjoy it! So make the most of it by choosing a quality brand and eating it slowly – you’ll be less likely to eat to excess and you’ll experience more pleasure and less guilt.