Help me manage my gut symptoms and food intolerances.
Do you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) diverticular disease or inflammatory bowel disease?
Diet and lifestyle can significantly affect symptoms. People with IBS or other gut problems can experience a wide range of symptoms, so there’s no single diet that will help all sufferers. It can be difficult to identify which foods may be contributing to your symptoms. An assessment may include the balance of your diet, the types and amounts of fibre in your diet and Fiona would try to help you to identify food intolerances. If you suspect a food intolerance is aggravating your symptoms it is important to carefully identify the trigger food. Fiona can help you identify your trigger food. Some people try to do this on their own but it’s easy to become confused and remove more foods than you need to from your diet.
Fiona has a lot of experience working with both the low FODMAP diet and the elimination diet, based on the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital approach. If you would like individual advice designed to help you manage your symptoms and improve the quality of your diet contact Fiona Boyle, NZ Registered Dietitian and a Nutritionist at Food Solutions today. Fiona has more than 30 years’ experience as a dietitian and has helped many people with IBS and
other gut problems.
Let's work together
Call Fiona at Food Solutions today for an appointment on
Mount Maunganui
or fill out the form on the right.