
Eating well for your mental health

There is now a wealth of evidence regarding the role of good nutrition and the positive effect it has on mental health. To ensure you are making the best food choices to look after your mental health Fiona can assess your current diet and provide advice on how to improve your food choices. Since 2011 Fiona has run an outpatient clinic at Community Mental Health, Tauranga Hospital.  Here she sees clients with a range of issues including depression and anxiety disorders.

Help me manage my coeliac disease

If you are newly diagnosed with coeliac disease, knowing what you should and shouldn’t eat can be overwhelming. It is important to know which foods are gluten free.

An important aspect of this is understanding food labels. Fiona can help you. If you’re not sure what to eat during the day, or which grains to include in your gluten-free diet Fiona can give you ideas.

Help me manage my vegetarian or vegan diet

Perhaps you have been vegetarian or vegan for a while or you have recently decided to be. Choosing the right foods to maximise your long-term health is important. Seeing a dietitian can help ensure that you know how to make food choices so that your vegetarian or vegan diet gives you all the nutrients your body needs. Vegetarian and vegan diets can be low in some important minerals, such as calcium or iron. Low calcium levels are associated with poor bone health and low iron levels can lead anaemia.

Help me manage my diabetes

If you are concerned about another nutrition issue not listed under current services, contact Fiona to today to discuss this with her, she may still be able to help you with your nutrition concerns.

Fiona Boyle is a NZ Registered Dietitian and a nutritionist with more than 30 years experience.  

Let's work together

Call Fiona at Food Solutions today for an appointment on

07 574 7999
027 22 44 531

Mount Maunganui
or fill out the form on the right.
Services page Form